VIE 架构的法律问题研究 (硕士论文摘要)
根据统计机构 Fredrik 对赴美国与香港上市的中国公司统计,截止至 2014 年2月 24 日,在 230 家赴美上市的公司中,有接近半数的公司采用了 VIE 架构; 在赴港上市企业中,也有 8 家采用了 VIE 架构。在融资领域之外,由于 VIE 架构能够规避我国关于外资并购产业限制的规定,VIE 架构还被外商投资企业广泛适用于投资领域。但无论是融资领域还是投资领域,VIE 架构都难以回避学界与业界对其合法性的质疑。
中概股近年纷纷遭遇红筹之殇,让中概股回归境内资本市场的呼声也日益高涨。但是由于 VIE 架构的复杂性,国内资本市场制度尚不完善等诸多因素导致红筹回归之路也不太顺畅。于此同时,近年来的支付宝事件、新东方事件、华懋公司与中小企公司就民生银行的委托持股协议在长达 12 年的诉讼后被最高人民法院判决无效事件等等加深了学界与业界对 VIE 架构合法性的讨论。至此,VIE 架构——这一帮助中国优秀公司与境外资本市场实现对接的“宠儿”饱受质疑,处于舆论的风口浪尖,俨然成为了制造危机的罪魁祸首。究竟是什么因素导致了VIE 架构变成了达摩克利斯之剑?
本文正是在这种研究背景之下,通过对 VIE 架构相关概念的梳理,对 VIE 架构的法律效力进行理论与实践的分析。一方面,本文站在企业角度,对 VIE 架构在不同方面的法律风险进行研究并提出有针对性的解决对策;另一方面,本文站在监管者的角度,分析了现行监管的不足,借鉴了境外的先进经验提出完善VIE 架构法律监管的有效建议。提出了利用优先股解决外资控制权问题,以上海自贸区的改革试点为契机,进一步放宽外资准入的限制。文章最后对 VIE 架构的未来发展从短期和长期分别进行了展望。
第二章对 VIE 架构的法律效力从法学理论与法律实务两个角度进行了分析。在法学理论上:无论是法理学法的价值考量,法的效率价值优先于秩序价值;还是 VIE 架构在性质上属于合同,基于意思自治的契约行为符合私法域的“法不禁止即可为”;抑或是在经济法领域 VIE 架构符合整体经济效益原则都可以得出VIE 架构不违法的结论;在法律实务角度:中国政府监管部门至今没有明确立法确定VIE 价格无效;中国司法机关虽然在近年审结了一起与 VIE 架构极其类似的案例——民生银行股权纠纷案,并判断委托持股协议因为构成《合同法》第 52 条的“以合法形式掩盖非法目的”因此无效,但是司法界在短期内并不会直接否认VIE 架构的法律效力;仲裁界虽有判断 VIE 架构无效的案例,但是仲裁的性质决定了特定的仲裁裁决对今后案件并无指导意义;法律实务界仍然继续操作VIE 架构,但主要集中于 TMT 行业,对重资产行业或禁止外商投资的行业持谨慎保守的态度;香港联交所承认 VIE 架构,但对其监管有日益严苛之趋势;美国证券市场上虽然先后有不少 VIE 架构企业事件造成过大动荡,但至今 SEC 也并未明确否认 VIE 架构的合法性。由此,从法学理论与法律事务两方面的分析可知,VIE 架构是合法的。
第三章以企业的角度进一步分析了 VIE 架构可能面临的法律风险并探讨了相关企业的应对措施。在政策法律层面,由于 VIE 架构目前游走于灰色地带,并未被法律或政策明确肯定或否定,相关企业仍然可能存在 VIE 架构被严格规范甚至取缔的法律风险,因此需要紧密关注政策法律变更,及时应对;在境外上市层面,境内企业能够以 VIE 架构赴境外上市主要得益于境外上市地所承认的会计准则,但由于该会计准则与中国的会计准则不一致常常会造成中概股陷入尴尬境内的局面。因此相关企业需要联合各中介机构系统研究各地的上市环境与会计准则,及时充分地披露信息,树立中概股的良好国际形象;在外资并购层面,相关企业应妥善应对 10 号文的外资并购一般审查、并购过程中可能涉及的商务部的反垄断审查以及国家安全审查;在合同违约法律风险层面,相关主体应当谨慎防范创始人与高级管理人的违约行为,在搭建 VIE 架构之初就制定有效的违约风险防范措施;在外汇法律风险层面,相关企业在特殊目的公司成立及返程投资、WFOE 增资、WFOE 资本金结汇及结汇资金的适用与特殊目的公司境内资金转移至境外各个环节严格按照法律办理各项登记、申请及审批手续,及时关注国家及世界的外汇动态以免造成不必要的损失;在税务法律风险层面,笔者建议相关企业合法地对税收进行整体性统筹,对重复征税进行规避,合法地转移关联交易及其他的利润,对自身应税行为进行预先性安排。
第四章以政府的角度,对完善我国 VIE 架构的法律监管提出了建议。我国政府对 VIE 架构采取的是默示允许的态度,并未出台明令禁止 VIE 或明确允许其存在的法律。在短期内 VIE 架构仍然作为聪明人的妥协方案而继续存在,为了保障市场的有序规范,政府应当加强对 VIE 架构的监管。我国现行 VIE 架构法律监管的法律缺陷表现为:规范性法律文件效力层级不高;缺乏明确立场,概念界定不清;现行立法间欠缺统一、各部门权力重叠;立法缺乏指导性与前瞻性。我国政府部门应当借鉴香港与美国的成熟监管经验,从整体监管思路的转变入手,完善VIE 架构被广泛适用的外资并购与境外上市两大投融资领域的法律监管。具体方式包括:转变监管观念;以立法的方式明确相关概念,表明监管立场;统一监管口径;实行多层次、全方位的监管;完善信息披露制度;加强国际监管合作等。
最后总结陈述,VIE 架构作为我国资本市场发展的阶段性产物,短期来看, 我们需要防范其法律风险,完善法律监管;长期而言,由 VIE 架构引申开,投融资环境的改革才是解决问题的根本之道。
【关键词】VIE 架构 外资并购 海外上市 法律风险 法律监管
The Legal Study on the VIE Structure (Abstract)
Area : International Economic Law Author:Tao Ziwei
According to the statistics results provided by the statistic agency Fredrik for the United States-listed and Hong Kong-listed Chinese companies, as of February 24, 2014, among the 230 companies listed in the United States, nearly half of them adopted the VIE structure; among the companies listed in Hong Kong, 8 of them adopted the VIE structure. In addition to the financing field, since the VIE structure can evade the restrictions and regulations on the foreign mergers and acquisitions industry, it is also widely applicable to the foreign investment field by the foreign investment enterprises. However, whether the financing or the investment field, the VIE structure can not avoid the questions on it’s legality.
The Chinese concept stocks has suffered on the red chips in the global capital market, there is a growing trend calls for the red chips return to the domestic capital market. However, due to the complexity of the VIE structure and the defects of the domestic capital market, the returning road of the red chips is not smooth. At the same time, the recent events such as the Ali-pay, New Oriental event, the litigation between the Chinachem company and the SME company on the entrusted shareholding agreement of Minsheng Bank which has been lasted for 12 years has been judged invalid by the Supreme Court all deepened the questions on the legality of the VIE structure. So far, the VIE structure, which has helped many excellent Chinese companies listed on the global capital market suffered the questions from the public and become the culprit which has manufactured the crisis. What factors led to the VIE structure into a sword of Damocles?
This article is writing under the above background, analyze the legal effectiveness of the theory and the practice of the VIE structure through studying the VIE structure related concept. On one hand, this article studies the different areas of the legal risk of it and proposes several targeted solutions standing in the companies shoes; on the other hand, it analyzes the shortcomings of the existing regulation, draws the outside advanced experience and puts forward a sound legal regulatory framework for the VIE structures from the perspective of the regulators. It raises suggestions such as use the preference shares to solve the issue of the foreign control over the company, take the reform of the Shanghai FTA as an opportunity to further relax the restrictions on foreign access. It is concluded the VIE structure is a stage result of Chinese capital market and discussed the future development from the short and long term.
Chapter 1 is the general overview of the VIE structure. Through elaborating the related concepts of the VIE structure, it is revealed that the VIE structure is essentially a way for investment and financing which used the complex accounting and legal arrangement to evade the laws and regulations. The VIE structure is first used by the Chinese internet companies for offshore listing, then it is gradually applied to a wider variety of investment and financing and becomes the most thorough improvement of the red-chip mode. The construction process of the VIE structure is complex which contains numerous control protocol. On one hand, it enables the successful evading of the laws and regulations that become highly regarded in the field of investment and financing field. On the other hand, it is faced with great risk of law. However, it is widely adopted by the domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of investment and financing in practice.
In Chapter 2, the legal effectiveness is analyzed from the angle of the legal theory and the legal practice. From the prospective of the theory of law, firstly, the efficiency value of the prior to the order value judging from the value in Jurisprudence. Secondly, the nature of the VIE structure is a contract, according to the theory of the autonomy of contract, the contract behavior is in line with the theory that which is not prohibited by law is legitimate and valid in the private law domain. Thirdly, the VIE structure is in line with the overall benefit principle in the field of Economic Law. From the prospective of the legal practice, the Chinese government has not enacted any law to determine the VIE structure is invalid. Although the Judicial Organs in China has concluded the Minsheng Bank Equity dispute case, which similar to the VIE structure and has determined the entrusted shareholding agreement is invalid according to the Article 52 of the Contract Law:“ Any illegitimate purpose is concealed under the guise of acts.”But the judiciary field will not directly deny the effectiveness of the VIE structure in the short term. There exists some arbitration cases which judge the VIE structure is invalid. However, the nature of arbitration determined that the specific arbitration case can not guide the similar cases in the future. In legal practice, the VIE structure is still used, especially in the TMT industry, the lawyers hold conservative attitude for the use of it in the heavy assets industry and the industry which is banned for the foreign companies to invest. The VIE structure is admitted by the Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing limited, but the related regulation has become increasing hash recently. Although there has occurred excessive turbulence for the companies which has adopted the VIE structure in the American capital market, but so far the SEC did not explicitly deny the legitimacy of the VIE structure. Therefore, the VIE structure is legitimate from the legal theory and practice.
Chapter 3 further analysis the legal risk the VIE structure may be faced with and further discuss the countermeasures of related companies. In the aspect of policy and law, since the VIE structure is currently in grey zone and it has not been clearly allowed or prohibited, so the relevant enterprises is still faced with the risk to be strictly regulated or even be banned, so those companies should pay close attention to the policy and law changes and make timely response. In the aspect of offshore listing, the successful listing of domestic enterprises overseas with the VIE structure is mainly because of the accounting standards of the target place. However, due to the foreign accounting standards are usually inconsistent with those in China and this leads the Chinese Concept Share into an awkward situation. Therefore, the relevant enterprises need to study the accounting environments and standards jointly with the intermediary institutions, timely and fully disclose the information and establish the good international image of the Chinese Concept Share. In terms of the merger and acquisition of foreign capital, the relevant enterprises should properly deal with the general review, the possible antitrust review as well as the national security review initiated by the Ministry of Commerce. In the aspect of the risk of the breach of contract, the relevant subject should be cautious to prevent the default of the founders and senior managers and take effective measures to prevent these risks at the beginning of adopting the VIE structure. In the aspect of the foreign exchange, the relevant enterprises should finish all kinds of registration, application, examination and approval requirements strictly in accordance with the laws during the process of the establishment of the SPV, the round trip capital investment, the increase of the registered capital of the WFOE, the capital settlement of the WFOE and the use of these foreign exchange and the transfer of the domestic money to overseas. They should also pay timely attention to the domestic and overseas foreign exchange development so as to avoid unnecessary losses. In terms of the risk of tax, it is suggested that the related enterprises should wholly plan the tax issues, legally avoid the double taxation problem, transfer the related transactions and other profit legally, and make the arrangement for its own taxable behavior in advance.
Chapter 4 proposes several suggestions on the legal regulation of the VIE structure in China in the viewpoint of the government. The Chinese government takes the implied allowed attitude toward the VIE structure and has not explicitly ban or prohibit the VIE structure through legislation. In the short term, the VIE structure will continue to exist as a wise compromise. The government should strengthen the supervision of it in order to ensure the orderly market norms. The existing defects of the legal supervision of the VIE structure are as followed: the binding level of the legal document is not high, it lacks a clear position, the related concepts are not clearly defined, it lacks the unity among the present legislation and there exists the overlaps of the power among different government departments, the current legislation is lack of guidance and forward-looking. The Chinese government and departments should learn from the mature regulatory experience from Hong Kong and the United States, starting from the transformation of the overall regulatory thinking, improve the legal regulations on the Merge and Acquisition and the offshore listing field in which the VIE structure are widely used. The specific regulation methods including: change the thinking of the regulation, clearly define the related concepts through legislation and show the regulatory stance, unify the supervision caliber and implement a multi-level and comprehensive regulation, improve the information disclosure system and strengthen the international supervision cooperation.
In the last section, it is concluded that the VIE structure as a stage product of Chinese capital market. In the short term, we need to guard it’s legal risk, improve the legal regulation. In the long term, the reformation of the financing and investment environment is the fundamental way to solve the problems related to the VIE structure.
[Key Words] The VIE Structure; Merge and Acquisition of Foreign Capital; Offshore Listing; Legal Risk; Legal Regulation
VIE 架构的法律问题研究 导 论
一、研究的背景、目的和意义 截止至 2014 年 2 月 24 日,根据统计机构 Fredrik 对赴美上市的中国公司的统计, 在 230 家赴美上市的公司中,有接近半数的公司(97 家)采用了 VIE 架构;在赴港上市企业中,也有 8 家采用了 VIE 架构。其中,VIE 架构在纳斯达克上市的中国企业中尤为盛行,所占比例超过了一半为 53%,已经成为创新型企业赴美上市的主要模式。可见,赴美上市几乎必须采用 VIE 架构,而采用 VIE 架构却很难回避市场质疑因为其合法性颇受争议,法律风险也极大。同时,在这样的悖论下,在国内“让中国概念股(以下简称‘中概股’)回归” 1的呼声也日渐高涨,而创业板和中小板则被视为是接纳中概股回归的首选。但是由于 VIE 架构的复杂性,拆除过程中有很多繁琐复杂的程序,国内资本市场制度尚不完善等诸多因素导致红筹回归之路似乎也不大顺畅。
此外,近年来的宝生钢铁和支付宝事件将VIE的合法性和有效性问题暴露在大众面前,而新东方被美国证券交易委员会(The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,以下简称SEC)调查导致股价重挫使境外投资人对VIE架构的疑虑达到了顶峰。至此,VIE架构——这一帮助中国优秀公司与境外资本市场实现对接的“宠儿”饱受质疑,处于舆论的风口浪尖,俨然成为了制造危机的罪魁祸首。究竟是什么因素导致了VIE架构变成了达摩克利斯之剑?
在这种背景下,本研究的重要性就显而易见了,本文旨在系统性地研究 VIE 架构在投融资领域所面临的法律问题与法律风险,提出应当承认 VIE 架构的合法性,对其存在的法律风险进行分析和控制,通过完善我国 VIE 架构的法律监管,保障短期内 VIE 架构仍能发挥其应有的积极作用。本文还对 VIE 架构引申出的优先股试点改革、通过自贸区试点改革摸索投融资的新方式等进行了探讨, 对 VIE 架构的发展前景进行了展望,本文具有很好的理论和实践意义。
二、问题的提出 2011 年的支付宝事件将协议控制模式即 VIE 架构2从幕后推向前台,使其为越来越多的人所熟知。马云单方面修改支付宝 VIE 架构,使得海外资本市场对中概股的信心大打折扣;2012 年,新东方再度调整 VIE 架构被 SEC 调查,由此带来股价暴跌;随后,宝生钢铁的 VIE 架构因未被河北省地方政府许可向 SEC 撤回上市申请,成为了首个被中国政府否定 VIE 架构的案例从而引发了舆论的普遍关注;2013 年,美国纽交所上市的安博教育集团被开曼群岛法院判决为临时托管。和此前双威教育被退市、新东方遭浑水做空等中概股危机相类似,安博教育的 VIE 架构也如一颗定时炸弹,然而,安博教育却不幸成为首例被判托管的中概股;2014 年 1 月 17 日,证监会有条件地通过了华谊兄弟(300027)的发行股份购买资产的方案,并向其提出 5 条审核意见,要求公司在 10 个工作日内补充材料并提交,解释有关 VIE 架构的问题。
以上一系列的问题引发业界对 VIE 架构普遍争议和关注,在这一背景下, 本文通过系统的研究VIE 架构的实质与内容究竟为何?VIE 架构在我国法律框架下是否合法?VIE 在政策法律、境外上市、外资并购、合同违约、外汇及税务六个不同方面又存在哪些法律风险?应当如何应对 VIE 架构的法律问题?VIE 架构的发展前景如何?最终揭开 VIE 的神秘面纱。
三、文献综述 (一)国外关于 VIE 架构法律问题的研究文献综述 2003 年 1 月 16 日,FASB(Financial Accounting System Board,即“美国财务会计准则委员会”)颁布了第 46 号解释函(FIN46 “可变利益实体的合并”(Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities),对 CAP(Committee on Accounting Principles,即“会计程序委员会”)的第 51 号会计研究公报(ARB51)“合并财务报表”重新作出了解释,第一次比较系统地解决了 VIE 的合并问题3。
根据美国会计准则 FIN46 的规定:“企业在财务报表中必须揭露 VIE 可能的最大亏损数字,在红筹上市过程中,如果在美国交易所上市的母公司直接持有海外运营公司的股权,财务报表合并的会计基础就是美国 GAAP(Generally Accepted Accounting Standards,即‘公认会计原则’)中关于企业合并的FASB141;而在没有直接股权控制的情况下,财务报表合并的会计基础就是关于可变利益实体合并的FIN46。简而言之,VIE 架构就是如果一个实体,尽管与另一个实体不存在股权上的控制关系,但是,其收益和风险均完全取决于该另一实体,则该实体构成另一实体的 VIE,双方财务报表应当合并。”4
在国外,对 VIE 架构进行研究的学者大都是管理咨询师、注册会计师和风险投资机构,通过实际工作对 VIE 架构接触的工作经验,从 FIN46 的规定出发, 分析了 VIE 的确定和合并问题。John M. Fleming(2006)发表“可变利益实体的可变利益确定”一文,对 FIN46 的规定做了细致的研究,明确了什么是可变利益5。Thomas A. Gavin(2010)发表“可变利益实体合并的新规定”一文,结合 FIN46的规定,对 VIE 的概念和和其他类似概念做了非常详细的区分6。Liang Tao(2012)发表文章“淘金之路——中国互联网企业上市蓝图”,介绍了中国法律对互联网行业的监管和中国的ICPS 如何通过 VIE 模式实现上市7。
在会计合并问题与可变利益实体的定义之外,还有一些学者对 VIE 架构在上市审计和管理咨询问题方面进行研究。George Georgiade(s 2005)发表文章“针对可变利益实体的审计程序”,从审计操作的角度出发,解决了针对可变利益实体的审计程序问题8。Alan Reinstein、Gerald H. Lander 和 Stephen Danese(2005) 发表文章“可变利益实体的合并——依据 FIN46 的规定”,解决了会计师事务所和管理咨询公司如何应对 FIN46 的规定,帮助公司实现上市目的9。
此外,还有学者结合 FIN46 的相关规定,从可变利益实体合并的利弊入手进行研究。Victoria Dickinson、Michael. P. Donohoe 和 Gary A. McGill(2010)发表文章“可变利益实体的合并——财务杠杆和税收筹划”,研究表明 FIN 46 的规定虽然显著增加了信息披露的成本,但是却提高了信息披露的质量10。Arlette Wilson 和 Jefferson Jones(2004)发表的“新会计监管制度会减少可变利益实体的风险吗”一文,认为 FIN46 的规定不是为了限制 VIE 模式的使用,而是为了减少财务风险,提高财务报告信息质量11。
通过文献的收集可知,国外关于 VIE 架构的研究并不多,均认为它是一种特殊目的公司。例如,Jeffrey D. Gramlich、Sanjay Gupta 和 Mei Feng(2006) 在“特殊目的公司——盈余管理实证研究”一文中研究发现:资金需求越多、边际税率越高的公司通过特殊目的公司实现上市的比例越大12。Mark Carey(2007) 在“特殊目的实体和资本证券化”一文中,通过建立资本证券化模型,证明了特殊目的公司的建立是为了减少破产成本。
(二)国内关于 VIE 架构法律问题的研究文献综述 在立法层面,《外商投资产业指导目录》对限制类和禁止类行业的外资投资比例进行了限制。其中,互联网业务属于限制类行业,外资最高持股不得超过50%,因此,离岸上市企业无法全资收购境内的运营实体。为了应对这一限制性规定,证券公司、律师等中介机构联合设计出了 VIE 架构。2011 年 9 月 1 日开始实施的《商务部实施外国投资者并购境内企业安全审查制度的规定》,首次明确将“协议控制(VIE 架构)”纳入了监管范围。该规定第九条明确指出:“对于外国投资者并购境内企业,应从交易的实质内容和实际影响来判断并购交易是否属于并购安全审查的范围;外国投资者不得以任何方式实质规避并购安全审查,包括但不限于代持、信托、多层次再投资、租赁、贷款、协议控制、境外交易等方式”。
2011 年 6 月的“支付宝事件”引起了舆论对 VIE 架构的广泛关注,学者们也开始了对 VIE 架构问题的研究,在此之前,国内对 VIE 架构的研究很少。苑超(2009)从法律法规角度研究了外资并购中的协议控制及其监管13。吴梅(2006) 结合 FIN46 的规定,对 VIE 的合并问题进行了探讨,认为我国在对 VIE 架构进行监管时,一方面可借鉴美国现有的制度规定,同时要结合我国金融市场的发展情况14。
国内学者对 VIE 架构的研究大都是从该模式是否合法、应该监管和如何监管的角度进行研究的。王仁荣(2011)通过分析 VIE 模式的由来、应用、架构等,论证了 VIE 架构是有效且可行的,但必须对其采取必要的风险防范措施15; 胡俊伟(2011)认为 VIE 架构是境内企业在境外上市过程中与政策监管相博弈的产物,他分析了这种方式产生的原因,并提出了监管建议16,冯英(2011)通过对支付宝事件的分析,认为 VIE 架构是合理的17;王仁荣(2011)认为在“限制”类和“禁止”类行业采用 VIE 架构的企业都应该吸取 “支付宝事件”的经验教训,重新审视其 VIE 架构是否合法,设计是否恰当,风险是否可控,并且采取必要的措施进行弥补,以确保 VIE 架构的合法性和稳定性;唐旗(2012) 建议以证监会为主导,完善境外间接上市法律监管体系,统筹管理红筹模式、VIE 架构等境外间接上市模式,坚持宽严适度的约束与规范,注重国际证券监管合作18;陈泽佳(2013)认为 VIE 架构利用我国相关监管法律法规尚不完善的条件,企图巧妙地规避相关部门的监管,但 VIE 架构并非无懈可击,因为当事人虽然通过 VIE 协议所搭建的架构未必会因为违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定而被判无效,但非常可能因符合合同法关于合法形式掩盖非法目的的特征而被审批机关认定为无效,建议相关主管机关应当尽快通过立法明确 VIE 协议控制行为的法律范畴,并明确其适用的范围,建立境内监管机构与境外监管机构沟通机制,这样,才能将 VIE 协议控制机构纳入法律监管范围。
此外,还有学者对 VIE 架构的未来发展进行了研究。张里(2011)认为不能全部推翻协议控制模式,否认协议控制是一种倒退19;吴汉铭(2012)认为尽管 VIE 架构有助于化解民营企业融资难的问题,但增加了外汇流入和结汇的压力,亟需相关政策对其进行完善20;林坤(2012)认为 VIE 架构是链接国内产业和海外资本的桥梁,通过分析业内人士对 VIE 架构的态度,得出在不影响国家安全的前提下,监管机构应该避免“一刀切”的方法处理 VIE 架构问题的观点21。
以上文章大都集中于对 VIE 架构的解释,认为应当对 VIE 架构进行关注, 并且由于 VIE 架构存在较大风险,政府应当对其进行监管。但是,这些文章中对 VIE 架构法律效力与法律风险的分析却很少,也没有提出行之有效的监管措施。此外,上述文章对 VIE 架构引申出的多层次资本市场建设等经济改革鲜有涉及。
四、研究的思路和方法 本文首先阐述了研究的背景、目的和意义以及国内外研究现状,接着对 VIE 架构所涉及的概念进行了阐述。在此基础上用理论分析法和实证分析法分别研究了 VIE 架构的法律效力及相关法律问题,进而在中国法律框架下对 VIE 架构的法律风险进行检视,借鉴美国与香港的监管经验,对 VIE 架构的监管提出了行之有效的建议。最后,提出对 VIE 架构的见解和立场并对 VIE 架构的发展前景进行展望。
五、论文结构安排 导论部分主要阐述了研究的背景、目的和意义,国内外研究现状,研究的思路和方法以及本文的结构安排。
第一章是对 VIE 架构的概述,对 VIE 架构的概念、实质与内容、由来与运用、搭建的过程、包含的协议、优缺点、发展的演变与发展历程进行了梳理。
第二章开始是本文的主体部分,对 VIE 架构的法律效力进行了分析。第一节,从法学理论角度对VIE 架构的法律效力进行分析;第二节从法律实务角度, 以实证分析的方法对 VIE 架构的合法性进行探讨。
第三章从企业的角度出发,进一步分析 VIE 架构在政策法律、境外上市、外资并购、合同违约、外汇及税务六个方面所可能面临的法律风险并探讨应对措施。
第四章以监管为出发点,检视了我国现行 VIE 架构法律监管的现状与不足, 借鉴了美国与香港的监管经验,对完善我国 VIE 架构监管提出了建议。
最后是结论部分,预测了 VIE 架构短期内的发展模式,并从长远角度对 VIE架构未来的发展做出了展望。
1 中国概念股,是指外资因为看好中国经济成长而对所有在海外上市的中国股票的称呼。概念股是与业绩股相对而言的,业绩股需要有良好的业绩支撑,概念股则依靠某一种题材(比如互联网概念)支撑价格。中概股,简而言之,主要是指拟在或已经在境外股票交易所上市的、在中国注册的公司和虽在国外注册但主要业务和商务关系在中国大陆的公司股票。 2 协议控制模式,即本文所称 VIE 架构,以下均统称 VIE 架构。 3 FIN46, Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities [EB/OL],,2003. 4 苑超:《论外资并购中的协议控制模式及其监管》,对外经济贸易大学硕士学位论文,2009。 5 Fleming, John M, Identifying Variable Interests in Variable Interest Entities, Pennsylvania CPA Journal, Winter2006, 76 (4):1-2. 6 Gavin, Thomas A, Update on Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities, Bank Accounting & Finance (08943958), Aug/Sep2010, 23 (5): 10-19. 7 Liang (Tim) Tao. Golden Trails: A Roadmap Leading to China’s Internet, Industry,,2012(4). 8 George Georgiades. Practice Alert 2005-01, Auditing Procedures with Respect to Variable Interest Entities, Miller GAAS Update Service, December 30, 2005. 05(24). 9 Alan Reinstein, Gerald H. Lander, Stephen Danese, Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities: Applying the Provisions of FIN 46 (R), September 30, 2005. 10 Victoria Dickinson, Michael P. Donohoe, Gary A. McGill, Clandestine Accounting: Variable Interest Entity Consolidation, Financial Leverage and Tax Shelter Participation, August 2010. 11 Arlette Wilson, Jefferson Jones, New accounting guidance for variable interest entities: will the new rules reduce the risk?, Balance Sheet, 2004,12(1):37 – 41. 12 Jeffrey D. Gramlich, Mei Feng, Sanjay Gupta, Special Purpose Entities: Empirical Evidence on Determinants and Earnings Management, January 2006. 13 同脚注 3 14 吴梅:《可变利益实体的合并问题探讨》,载《商场现代化》2006 年第 8 期。 15 王仁荣:《VIE 模式:山雨欲来风满楼》,载《学术前沿》2011 年第 10 期。 16 胡俊伟:《境内企业海外上市过程中的“协议控制”问题值得关注》,载《金融纵横》2011 年第 2 期。 17 冯英:《VIE 模式评述—基于对支付宝事件的分析》,载《企业家天地(理论版)》2011 年第 7 期。 18 唐旗:《论对“协议控制”模式的监管》,载《证券市场导报》2012 年第 4 期。 19 张里:《否定协议控制是一种倒退》,载《IT 时代周刊》,2011 年第 7 期。