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[转让定价] 【特别提醒】应“双支柱”方案要求,多国已经承诺在支柱一生效后将取消征收数字服务税以及其他相关类似单边措施








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2021-12-9 03:55:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


新华社华盛顿10月21日电 国与奥地利、法国、意大利、西班牙、英国21日宣布就数字服务税争端达成妥协,在经济合作与发展组织推动的国际税改协议生效后,欧洲五国将取消征收数字服务税,美国将放弃对这五国的报复性关税措施。
新闻2.Turkey and US agree on phase-out of digital tax
新闻来源:MNE Tax
The US Treasury announced on November 22 that it hasreached an agreement with the Turkish government on Turkey’s transition fromits digital services tax to the new taxing rules under the OECD-led October 8international agreement.
The agreement adopts the same terms as those reachedby the US last month with Austria, France, Italy, Spain, and the UK.
The terms allow Turkey’s digital taxes to stay inplace pending implementation of “Pillar One” of the OECD agreement, which wouldreallocate a portion of taxing rights to market jurisdictions. In addition, theagreement allows certain excess amounts paid in digital taxes in the interimperiod by in-scope companies to be creditable against future Pillar Oneliability.
In return for the coordinated withdrawal of Turkey’sdigital tax, the US agrees not to pursue retaliatory trade actions.
新闻3.India and US agree on transition from India’s ‘equalization levy’ digitaltax
新闻来源:MNE Tax
The US and India have reached a compromise on atransition from India’s “equalization levy” digital services tax towards theterms of the October 8 multilateral agreement on new international taxingrules, according to a November 24 US Treasury announcement.
The announcement does not specify the terms of theagreement between the two countries but states that the “compromise representsa pragmatic solution” and that the countries “have committed to workingtogether through constructive dialogue on this matter.”
In accordance with this agreement, the US willterminate retaliatory trade measures threatened in response to India’sequalization levy.
The Indian government had introduced the equalizationlevy last year and announced proposed expansions earlier this year.
In June, the US had announced retaliatory tariffsagainst India and several other countries in response to their adoption ofdigital taxes, which the US deemed to be discriminatory against US companies.Imposition of the tariffs was suspended pending agreement on a multilateralsolution.
The US agreement with India with respect to phasingout its digital tax follows a similar November 22 agreement with Turkey and anearlier October 21 agreement with Austria, France, Italy, Spain, and the UK.
新闻4.NZ Labour Partypromises digital services tax if international consensus not reached
The Labour Party, which is the larger of the twoparties in New Zealand s coalition government, has released its tax policyahead of the upcoming New Zealand general election to be held on October 172020. The aspect of the policy that has attracted the most attention fromvoters is a proposal to increase the top personal tax rate from 33% to 39%,with the new 39% rate applying to income over NZ$180,000 (US$120,000) perannum.
Of arguably greater significance to businesses,though, is the Party s policy on the taxation of multinational enterprises. TheParty has said it will "proactively work" with the OECD on "theissue of multinational corporations not paying their fair share of tax".However, if a multilateral solution cannot be found, the Party has said it"will work towards implementation of a digital services tax".
Design of a digital services tax
The Labour Party has not released details as to theform of a digital services tax (DST) except to say that the rate at which theDST applies would be set "once the international position is clear".It is reasonable to assume, though, that a unilateral DST would be based on theframework set out in the government discussion document:  Options for taxingthe digital economy , which was released in June 2019.
In that discussion document, the government proposed aDST at the rate of 3% on the New Zealand proportion of a multinational group sgross revenue from certain digital businesses, including intermediationplatforms, social media platforms, content sharing sites and search engines.The discussion document proposed that the DST would apply to businesses with aglobal consolidated annual turnover of at least

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