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[蔡昌工作室] “三螺旋硅谷创新年会”和“2019年金融、保险和统计研讨会”邀请函








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2021-8-11 13:52:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
公众号名称: 蔡昌工作室
标题: “三螺旋硅谷创新年会”和“2019年金融、保险和统计研讨会”邀请函
发布时间: 2019-03-18
备注: -
公众号二维码: -

  本年会以创业大学、融资/税收政策、初创企业和产业集群区域创新与发展为主题。届时将聚焦斯坦福大学、硅谷及“三螺旋” 机构,为大家呈现从“三螺旋”视角分析硅谷各式各样的科技、组织、管理创新之举。
  一个多世纪以来,硅谷通过整合集聚各种双重结构,发展出了其独一无二的 “三螺旋”结构。高校-产业界,高校-政府,产业界-政府等互动交流弥补了20世纪相关组织的缺失。21世纪初,硅谷面临专注于创新,而忽视了不断攀升的住房成本和交通拥堵问题。硅谷正处于按照多样性、平等性和社会公正性原则重新配置创新创业模式的转型阶段,并正在采用基于康森斯的规划方法。在硅谷,促进创新的新组织形式,如加速器、孵化器、科技园和风险投资公司,综合了“三螺旋”结构的要素,并为从工业型社会向知识社会的过渡提供基础设施。将专注于硅谷合资、IT集群、创业孵化器/加速器、地方、国家乃至全球创新创业网络。


第一天:金融】 研讨会旨在讨论金融领域的新的实证和理论研究,以突出监管机构面临的一些相关挑战,同时评估监管变化如何反过来诱发市场上的一些金融创新。
【第二天:保险】 研讨会面向学者和实践者,概述了过去和现在的研究成果及其在保险中的实际应用。
【第三天:统计】 研讨会意在为统计从业人员提供学习交流平台。在保险和财务问题研究中,集思广益,寻求科学的数据学习和数据分析的解决方案。

Day1 三螺旋创新理论的实践-硅谷的秘密
Day2 硅谷的未来-创新区域的演变
Day3 斯坦福开放创新的实践参观Apple,Google
“2019年金融、保险和统计研讨会” 会议具体安排:
  Day2 保险
  Day3 统计
wexin tish
1. 报名截止日期:2019年5月25日,参加者人数限制为50人,请尽早预订占位。
2. 请参会者提前自主办理美国签证,需自行把握签证时间。
3. 费用包括:所有论坛材料、欢迎招待会和晚宴、现场参观。(费用不包括机票、机场接送和酒店/旅馆/汽车旅馆,相关费用根据实时情况另行通知)。
电 话:189 1181 5557

  ITHI Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum 2019

The Triple Helix and Silicon Valley:
Entrepreneurial university, financing/tax policy, start-ups and industrial clusters in regional innovation & development

Join us in June 8-10 to:
★ Learn the Triple Helix theory and its practice in innovation and entrepreneurship
★ Connect to the Valley and meet people from a variety of countries and fields
★ Visit and understand the heart of world tech innovation — Silicon Valley

The Triple Helix and Silicon Valley Forum (THSV), will be held at Stanford campus on June 7-9, 2019, presenting various innovation initiatives in Silicon Valley from a Triple Helix perspective, with Stanford University, Silicon Valley and the Triple Helix as three foci:
F1: The Triple Helix Theory and Practice — Silicon Valley’s secret
The university-industry-government Tripe Helix is the key to innovation and growth in a knowledge-based economy. Increased interaction among university, industry and government as relatively equal partners, is the core of the Triple Helix model for economic and social development. New developments in innovation strate- gies and practices arise from this interaction, as the Triple Helix becomes a platform for “institution formation.” This session includes:
How to organize regional innovation, triple helix spaces, public/private venture capital, innovation instruments such as science parks, incubators and technopoles, as well as university, industry and government in the triple helix.
F2: Silicon Valley’s Future — an innovative region’s evolution
Silicon Valley is unique in developing a Triple Helix through convergence of multiple double helices over more than a century. University-industry, university-government, government-industry interactions substituted for the lack of large organizations early in the 20th century. In the early 21st century, Silicon Valley faces the conse- quences of a virtually single minded focus on innovation, virtually ignoring discrimination, escalating housing costs and clogged transportation arteries. Silicon Valley is at an early stage of reconfiguring its innovation and entrepreneurship model according to principles of diversity, equality and social justice as well as adapting con- sensus-based planning methods. In the Valley, new organizational formats to promote innovation, such as the accelerator, incubator, science park and venture capital firms, synthesize elements of the triple helix and pro- vide the infrastructure for transition from industrial to knowledge-based society. We will focus on:
Joint Venture Silicon Valley, IT Clusters, Incubators/ Accelerators for entrepreneurship, local, national and global networks for innovation and entrepreneurship.
F3: Stanford Open Innovation System — continuously creating new organizations
Stanford University is the generative source of Silicon Valley, inspired by an engineering school in a develop- ing region creating an industrial penumbra to employ graduates and collaborate with firms to solve technical problems. The Liebigian entrepreneurial university, after the German chemist who linked theory to practice, influencing the “Land Grant” model, superseding and incorporating the contrasting 19th century Newtonian and Humboldtian academic paradigms, respectively focused on teaching and research. Expanding academic roles from teacher to researcher to entrepreneur, the university’s third mission is to develop new techno-economic paradigms and tease out technological and economic implications from research. We will examine elements of Stanford Univesity’s Innovation System:
The “X” interdisciplinary research centers, Market-oriented Office of Technology Licensing, the original sci- ence park and the student-government founded accelerator: StartX; the faculty initiated translational research and entrepreneurial acculturation program SPARK, and the Design Cluster: D-School, Ideo, ME-310 and Radi- cand
In addition, participants will explore Silicon Valley with the Forum organizers. Site visits may include:
? Stanford University campus/research centers and its Science Park/ StartX
? Apple New Headquarters and Google main campus
? Selected Incubators/ Accelerators

As a participant you will:
? Fully engage with the Forum activities, not as a passive listener, but as an active participant who will shape the overall outcome of the Forum. You will listen to keynote addresses and individual presentations. and participate in panel discussions with top academic, business and policy-making leaders involved in university-industry col- laboration, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, regional innovation organizers. We invite you to prepare a brief presentation(not obligated) and we will make suggestions and comments for your further de-
velopment and publication, in a Forum Proceedings that will synthesize all the Forum experiences. If you wish
publication, your paper should be submitted by 10 August.
? Join a community of like-minded individuals with similar goals and the belief that the Triple Helix is a key in forming an innovative region.
? Expand networks, meet partners and learn from the experience of world leaders from academia, industry and gov- ernment, sharing real-life examples of how they succeeded in their endeavors.
? Explore the possibility to initiate a longer-term research collaboration with the International Triple Helix Institute for papers publication, remote collaborations and short-term visiting professors.
Stanford University campus.
Hosted by the International Triple Helix Institute (ITHI)
1766 Sand Hill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA; URL:

Registration fees:

Note: The cost comprises: all Forum materials; Welcome Reception & Gala Dinner; and site visits. Airfare, airport transfer and Hotel/Inn/Motel are not included.
Forum Website URL:
  This website is also for registration.
  Registration deadline: May 25, 2019.
Prof. Henry Etzkowitz, Ph.D
Prof. Alice Chunyan Zhou, Ph.D [Primary contact]
Leila Maria Kehl, M.S
All correspondence should be sent to the contact person, Alice Chunyan Zhou.
Email: or; Tel: +1-914-486-6668.
* Participants No. limits to 50. Please book as early as possible to secure your seat.

Who can participate?
The Forum is particularly suited for government officers & policy-makers, higher education researchers/leaders, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, business angels, technology transfer managers and practitioners, faculty and professional staff, academic evaluation and accreditation managers, postgraduate students, innovation and higher education consultants, etc. Participants will
join a vibrant network for dialogue at the nexus of University, Industry and Government, developing
bonds across nations and existing boundaries, to create new bridges for collaboration

  FIS 2019 Workshop June 11-13
2019 Workshop on Finance,
Insurance and Statistics

The workshop will held at University of California, Irvine campus, on June 11-13, 2019. The aim of the workshop is "to strengthen communication between individuals and groups who produce and apply research results in insurance, finance and statistics, and integrate the currently fragmented research in both fields".
DAY 1: Finance
Today’s Workshop aimed at discuss new empirical and theoretical research in finance, to highlight some of the associated challenges for regulators, also to assess how regulatory changes may induce in turn some financial innovations in the market. Workshop deliberations will be on the following themes:
Fundamental financial concepts
Accounting (financial records)
Tax and Capital Flow
Institutional Setting
Financial markets
Corporate finance.
DAY 2: Insurance
Today’s Workshop aimed at both academics and practitioners and providing a general overview over the past and current research results and their practical applications in insurance. Workshop deliberations will be on the following themes:
Life Insurance;
Non-Life Insurance;
Reinsurance and Other Risk-Sharing Arrangements;
Risk Management;
Financial Modeling.
DAY 3: Statistic
Today’s Workshop aimed at bringing together statistical practitioners engaged in the application of statistics on a daily basis, and discussing research needs and solutions to the methodological challenges in the design of studies and analysis of data for finance and insurance research. Workshop deliberations will be on the following themes:
Theoretical Statistics
Mathematical Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Inferential Statistics / Statistical Inference
Statistics in Society
Applied and Interdisciplinary Statistics
Computational and Graphical Statistics
1. As a participant you will:
? Fully engage with the Forum activities, not as a passive listener, but as an active actor who will shape the overall outcome of the Forum. You will listen to keynote addresses and individual presentations and participate in panel discussions. We invite you to prepare a brief paper presenting (not obligated)to all the workshop participants and we will make suggestions and comments for your further development and publication.
? The symposium will focus on the frontier topics in the theoretical and applied Finance, Insurance and Statistics.

2. Registration fees:

  Note: The cost comprises: all Forum materials; Welcome Reception & Gala Dinner; and site visits.
Airfare, airport transfer and Hotel/Inn/Motel are not included.
3. Participants No. limit to 50. Please book as early as possible to secure your seat.
4. Registration deadline: May 25, 2019.
5. Organizers
All correspondence should be sent to the contact person, Alice C. Zhou.
Email: or; Tel: +1-914-486-6668.

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