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[转让定价] 【特别关注】拜登政府能否协调GILTI和GloBE?(中英对照)








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2021-7-27 17:00:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

TPPERSON按:OECD在2021年7月1日《关于应对数字经济带来的税收挑战的双支柱解决方案的声明》之支柱二中提出“GloBE与GILTI的共存”:支柱二同意将在司法管辖权的基础上适用最低税率。在这种情况下,将考虑美国GILTI 制度与GloBE规则共存的条件,以确保公平的竞争环境因此,思迈特财税咨询的TP团队特翻译该篇《拜登政府能否协调GILTI和GloBE?》分享同学们。

Can GILTI and the GloBE be harmonized in a Biden administration?
来源:MNE Tax March 3, 2021
作者:By Daniel Bunn, Tax Foundation, Washington, DC
Countries participating in the OECD Inclusive Framework’s negotiations on cross-border tax rules hope to reach an agreement by mid-2021. After negotiations stalled somewhat in 2020, there is hope that US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s commitment to reaching an agreement will allow progress to be made this year.
参与经合组织(OECD) 包容性框架(IF)跨境税收谈判的国家希望在2021年年中达成协议。该谈判在2020年陷入停滞之后,美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦( Janet Yellen )对达成协议的承诺有望在今年取得进展。
One piece in the negotiations is the proposal for a global minimum tax. As part of the 2017 tax reform, the US adopted a tax on global intangible low tax income (GILTI), a sort of minimum tax on the foreign earnings of US companies.
GILTI has inspired policymakers in other countries to look for ways to reach an agreement on a global version of GILTI. A detailed outline for such a proposal, the global anti-base erosion (GloBE) rules, was released in October 2020.
GILTI激励其他国家的政策制定者寻求就全球版的 GILTI 达成协议。2020年10月发布了这一提案的详细大纲,即全球反税基侵蚀(以下简称“GloBE”)规则。
The goal of the Inclusive Framework’s negotiations on GloBE is to reach an agreement that would minimize differences in taxing cross-border income. However, the US negotiating position in the recent past has been to ask that GILTI be an approved minimum tax regime rather than to amend US rules to conform to the GloBE.
IF关于 GloBE谈判的目标是达成一项协议,将跨境收入征税的差异降至最低。然而,美国最近的谈判立场是,要求GILTI成为一种获批准的最低税收制度,而不是修改美国规则以符合GloBE的要求。
This is a critical point because GILTI and the GloBE have some differences. These include differences both in the tax rate and the tax base—two important features of any tax policy. Those differences could increase if the proposals that President Biden made during his campaign were to become part of US law.
Despite the differences, policymakers should recognize the complexities and economic costs of imposing broad minimum taxes on cross-border earnings.
GILTI and its problems
GILTI 及其问题
GILTI can be defined as a US businesses’ foreign income that is subject to US tax on an annual basis. It is a new class of foreign income introduced by the 2017 tax reform legislation.
The calculation for GILTI includes net tested income and a deduction for 10 percent of depreciable tangible assets. The tax on GILTI applies after a 50 percent deduction, leading to a 10.5 percent effective tax rate on GILTI (half the US corporate tax rate of 21 percent). The 10.5 percent rate arises in the absence of foreign taxes paid on earnings included in GILTI.
The 10 percent deduction for depreciable tangible assets is a formulaic approach to a substance-based carveout. Because it is based on tangible assets, services companies with less physical capital involved in foreign markets will have a smaller deduction and be more likely to be caught by GILTI. Additionally, companies with very long-lived assets whose current depreciable value is minimal will also likely be caught by GILTI.
可折旧有形资产的10%扣除是一种基于实质经营活动的固定回报。由于它是以有形资产为基础的,在外国市场上拥有较少实物资产的服务公司将得到较小的扣除,也更有可能被GILTI纳入征管范围。此外,拥有长期资产且当前折旧价值很小的公司也可能被 GILTI纳入征管范围。
Many countries have rules that tax foreign earnings of multinationals. However, those rules regularly draw a line between active and passive earnings. The formulaic substance-based carveout in GILTI results in a much broader tax base than a tax on passive earnings. In fact, the US rules for Subpart F already tax passive earnings of US multinationals, suggesting that the GILTI tax base is much broader than passive earnings.
许多国家都有对跨国公司的海外收益征税的规定。不过,这些规则通常会在积极所得和消极所得之间划清界限。GILTI以实质经营活动的固定回报作为扣除比例导致了一个比对消极所得征税更广泛的税基。事实上,美国针对Subpart F的规定已经对美国跨国公司的消极所得征税,这表明GILTI的税基要比消极所得广泛得多。
If a US company has paid foreign taxes on earnings covered by GILTI, the tax liability calculation gets complicated. Foreign tax credits applicable to GILTI are limited in two ways. First, they are limited to 80 percent of their value. Second, they are limited by standard US rules for foreign tax credits, which include requirements to allocate some domestic expenses to foreign earnings, reducing the value of applicable foreign tax credits.
Both limits lead to extra US tax on foreign earnings that may have already been taxed (in some cases at relatively high rates). This means taxes on GILTI result in double taxation in some cases.
这两种限制都会导致美国对可能已经征税的外国收入征收额外的税款(在某些情况下税率相对较高),这意味着对 GILTI 征税在某些情况下会导致双重征税。
In theory, if a company has foreign tax credits to apply to GILTI, the effective tax rate could rise to 13.125 percent. However, expense allocation can cause effective rates on GILTI to be much higher than 13.125.
Regulations were implemented in 2020 to exclude some highly taxed foreign earnings from GILTI. The high-tax exclusion rules address part of the problem caused by the interplay between expense allocation and GILTI. Highly taxed foreign earnings are defined as those taxed above 18.9 percent (90 percent of the US corporate rate of 21 percent).
GILTI also does not allow excess foreign tax credits to be carried forward. This means that GILTI liability will be volatile for many companies that have high foreign taxes in some profitable years and losses in other years. This contributes to the uncertainty that companies face in understanding the taxes they would owe on any given foreign investment.
GILTI is also calculated on a worldwide, blended basis rather than by jurisdiction. This means companies can mix high-tax earnings with low-tax earnings when calculating GILTI.
Additionally, GILTI has some scheduled changes which will cause the effective rates on foreign earnings to rise after 2025.
The GloBE and a different approach to minimum taxation
In contrast, the OECD Inclusive Framework proposal for the GloBE is designed with the goal of eliminating double taxation of cross-border earnings. While there are several parts of the policy that are subject to further discussion and agreement, GloBE is expected to be different from GILTI in several ways.
The GloBE’s income inclusion rule is designed to be a top-up tax on foreign earnings of companies. If a company is paying taxes at a 10 percent effective rate on its foreign earnings and the minimum rate is 12.5 percent, then the country where that company is headquartered could tax the 2.5 percentage-point difference between the minimum and the effective rate.
The tax base for the GloBE is based on profits reported on a business’s financial statements. Because of the difference between financial profits and taxable profits, a variety of adjustments are proposed to make financial profits look more like taxable profits.
The economic impact assessment of the GloBE utilized minimum tax rates between 7.5 percent and 17.5 percent. Without a political agreement, though, it is uncertain where exactly the GloBE minimum rate would fall.
对 GloBE的经济影响评估采用的最低税率在7.5%至17.5%之间。然而,在没有达成政治协议的情况下,全球范围内的最低税率究竟会降至何处还不确定。
The GloBE proposal has a broad, formulaic carveout for economic substance that includes depreciable tangible assets (similar to GILTI) and payroll costs. This would likely be a broader tax base than would result from rules that define and tax passive foreign income, but the tax base for the GloBE would be narrower than GILTI.
GloBE 提案对实质经营活动固定回报的扣除制定了一个公式,其范围广泛,包括可折旧有形资产(类似于 GILTI)和工资成本等。这可能是一个比定义外国消极所得征税的规则所产生的税基更广泛,但GloBE的税基将比GILTI更窄。
The OECD Inclusive Framework proposal would also allow carryover of excess foreign taxes to ensure that the taxes applied under GloBE recognize profitability and taxation over time. This is intended to help minimize tax burden volatility for companies subject to GloBE.
OECD 包容性框架的提案还将允许结转多余的外国税收,以确保 GloBE适用的税收方案承认盈利能力和长期征税。这是为了帮助受 GloBE约束的公司减少税务负担的波动。
The GloBE is expected to apply on a jurisdictional basis rather than allow for worldwide blending of foreign earnings. This could be subject to change as negotiations progress, but jurisdictional calculations for GloBE seem likely.
The Biden and Yellen approach on GILTI
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has commented that the US administration’s goal is to have an effective minimum tax agreed to at the global level.
It is unclear how this view will work out in the ongoing negotiations over the GloBE because GILTI and the GloBE have significant differences. Two policy proposals from President Biden’s campaign regarding GILTI would increase those differences, while another would create some alignment.
由于GILTI和GloBE存在显着差异,因此目前尚不清楚这种观点将如何在正在进行的 GloBE 谈判中发挥作用。拜登总统竞选活动中关于 GILTI 的两项政策提案将扩大这些分歧,而另一项提案将形成某种一致性。
First, the Biden campaign recommended raising the GILTI rate to 21 percent, a rate that is much higher than what has been expected for the GloBE.
Even beyond the Biden campaign’s approach, the rate on GILTI is set to rise after 2025 under current law (16.4 percent), and Biden’s separate proposal to raise the US corporate tax rate to 28 percent would have a knock-on effect for the high-tax exclusion.
Second, the Biden campaign and some congressional Democrats have recommended removing GILTI’s formulaic substance carveout, broadening the GILTI tax base even beyond the current breadth.
These proposals are couched in the argument that the substance carveout in GILTI paired with the lower rate will cause offshoring. This argument is flawed for several reasons, including the very low likelihood that a company would increase its foreign tangible assets simply to minimize its exposure to tax on GILTI.
这些提议是在这样一种论点中提出的:GILTI的实质经营活动固定回报扣除加上较低的税率将导致离岸外包。这种说法存在缺陷,原因有几个,包括公司增加其外国有形资产的可能性非常低,只是为了尽量减少其对 GILTI 的税收风险。
The one area where the Biden campaign’s approach on GILTI and GloBE is in line is on jurisdictional calculations.
Jurisdictional calculations will likely mean serious compliance challenges because business units are not commonly arranged based on country borders. Foreign business units may include subsidiaries and earnings in multiple jurisdictions.
To comply with jurisdictional blending requirements, companies would need to significantly adjust their bookkeeping to align with the burden of jurisdictional calculations for taxation.
Misalignment on the rate and the substance carveout and alignment on jurisdictional calculations still leaves several other open questions on how the two policies might converge or remain distinct.
The remaining differences relate to foreign tax credits. On the issues of expense allocation, carryovers of foreign tax credits, and the 20 percent haircut on foreign tax credits, GILTI is not aligned with GloBE. Each of these foreign tax credit problems with GILTI can lead to double taxation, and, if nothing else, GILTI should be reformed in ways that follow the GloBE’s aspiration to avoid double taxation.
其余的差异与外国税收抵免有关。在费用分配、外国税收抵免的结转以及外国税收抵免20%的扣减等问题上,GILTI与GloBE并不一致。GILTI 的这些外国税收抵免问题中的每一个都可能导致双重征税。如果不出意外,GILTI应该按照GloBE避免双重征税的愿望进行改革。
Harmonization or divergence?
GILTI has underlying problems that directly contribute to double taxation. On those issues, lessons from the GloBE should inform policymakers.
In areas where the Biden campaign recommended changes to GILTI, the proposals would make GILTI even more distinct from the GloBE. The one thing the two approaches share is the jurisdictional approach to taxation, and that, by itself, is likely to be a heavy compliance burden on businesses.
If GILTI and the GloBE are to be harmonized, there is clearly lots of work to do. Policymakers in the US and other OECD Inclusive Framework countries should focus on minimizing compliance burdens and the economic costs that will be associated with a broad-based minimum tax on cross-border earnings.


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