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国家税务总局 国税函[2002]384号 国家税务总局关于印制外国公司有关船舶运输税收情况报告表格的通知








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2020-7-25 12:39:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发文单位: 国家税务总局
文件编号: 国税函[2002]384号
文件名: 国家税务总局 国税函[2002]384号 国家税务总局关于印制外国公司有关船舶运输税收情况报告表格的通知
发文日期: 2002-05-08
政策解读: -
备注: -
纵横四海点评: -






  附件1: 中华人民共和国国家税务总局

  State Administration of Taxation of the People s Republic of China


  Business Tax Withholding Return for Shipping Income by Foreign Enterprises

税款所属时间:自 年 月 日至 年 月 日

Taxable period:From____date____month____year

  To____date____month____year 填表日期: 年 月 日

┌─────────────┐ Date of filling:____Date__Month___Year
│扣缴义务人编码: │ 金额单位:人民币元
│Withholding agent s number│ Monetary unit:RMB Yuan
│ │

│扣缴义务人名称: │地址: │
│Name of withholding agent │Address │
│电话: │开户银行: │银行帐号: │
│Phone number │Bank │A/C number │
│纳税人名称: │注册所在地: │
│Name of taxpayer │Place of registration │
│总机构或实际管理机构所在地: │
│Place of head office or effective management │
│(请在适当方格内打√号 √the appropriate box(es)) │
│在中国运输经营方式: □1.班轮运输 Liner Service │
│Categories of shipping service □2.不定期船舶运输 Tramping Service │
│(请在适当方格内打√号 √the appropriate box(es)) │
│船舶来源 : □1.自有船舶 Self -owned; │
│Categories of vessels □2.期租 Time charter; │
│ □3.程租 Voyage charter; │
│ □4.Other cases (需要说明具体情况 If yes, pleases state│
│ │
│ 运输收入总额及应扣缴税额 │
│ Gross amount of taxable shipping income and withholding tax │
│运输收入总额 │外币名称│外汇牌价│折合人民币金额│计征率 │应扣缴税额 │
│Amount of │Foreign │Exchange│Equivalent in │Tax rate │Amount of │
│taxable │currency│rate │RMB │ │withholding tax │
│Shipping income │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│应扣缴税额合计 │ │
│Total withholding tax │ │
│扣缴义务人声明│ 我声明:此报告表是根据中华人民共和国税收法律法规的 │
│Declaration │有关规定填报的,我确信它是真实的、可靠的、完整的。 │
│ │ │
│ │ 法定代表签名或盖章 │
│ │I declare that this return has been completed according to the tax │
│ │laws and regulations of the People s Republic of China.I believe │
│ │that all statements contained in this return are trus,correct and │
│ │complete. │
│ │ Signature: │

会计主管(签字)Accountant general(signature): 扣缴义务人(盖章)Withholding agent(seal):

以下由主管税务机关填写(For the use of the Chinese authorities only)

│收到日期: │主办人: │审核日期: │主管税务机关盖章: │
│Date of receipt │Officer in charge │Date of examination │Tax office(seal) │
├───────────┼─────────┴──────────┤主管税务官员签字: │
│审核记录 │ │Tax officer(signature)│
│Record of examination │ │ │

  国家税务总局监制 Made under supervision of the State Administration of Taxation













  1.This return is applicable to the withholding agent as specified by the Circular for Strengthening the Tax and Foreign Exchange Administrations on Shipping income of Foreign Enterprises issued by the State Administration of Taxation and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

  2.In case tax payers  taxable shipping income is settled in foreign currency, the foreign currency should be converted in RMB according to market foreign exchange rate, and a supporting document should be provided demonstrating the conversion.

  3.This Return should be filling out in Chinese or in both Cinese and foreign languages.

  4.Instructions for filling out the following items:

  a.Withholding agent s file number: the number as designated by the tax authorities in charge at the time oftax registration.

  b.Date of filling:the actual dete of filling the return.

  c.Withholding agent s neme:name of the withholding agent for legal purposes.

  d.Bank: the bank in China with which an account is opened by a withholding agent.

  e.A/C number: number of current account in the bank of China by a withholding agent.

  f.Taxpayer s name: name of the taxpayer for legal purpuses.Place of head office or effective management: the full address and post code in the country of taxpayer being a residentfor tax purposes.

  附件2: 中华人民共和国国家税务总局

  State Administration of Taxation of the People s Republic of China


  Enterprise Incom Tax Withholding Return for Shipping Income by Foreign Enterprises

税款所属时间:自 年 月 日至 年 月 日
Taxable period:From_____date_____month___year 填表日期: 年 月 日
  To______date_____month___year Date of filling:____Date__Month__Year
┌────────────┐ 金额单位:人民币元
│扣缴义务人编码: │
│Withholdingagent snumber│ Monetary unit:RMB Yuan

│扣缴义务人名称: │地址: │
│Name of withholding agent │Address │
│电话: │开户银行: │银行帐号: │
│Phone number │Bank │A/C number │
│纳税人名称: │注册所在地: │
│Name of taxpayer │Place of registration │
│总机构或实际管理机构所在地: │
│Place of head office or effective management │
│(请在适当方格内打√号 √the appropriate box(es)) │
│在中国运输经营方式: □1.班轮运输 Liner Service │
│Categories of shipping service □2.不定期船舶运输 Tramping Service │
│(请在适当方格内打√号 √the appropriate box(es)) │
│船舶来源: □1.自有船舶 Self-owned; │
│Categories of vessels □2.期租 Time charter; │
│ □3.程租 Voyage charter; │
│ □4.其他 Other cases (需说明具体情况 If yes,pleses state) │
│ 运输收入总额及应扣缴税额 │
│ Gross amount of taxable shipping income and withholding tax │
│运输收入总额 │外币名称 │外汇牌价 │折合人民币金额 │计征率 │应扣缴税额 │
│Amount of │Foreign currency │Exchange │Equivalent │Tax rate│Amount of │
│taxable │ │rate │in RMB │ │withholding │
│Shipping income │ │ │ │ │tax │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│应扣缴税额合计 │ │
│Total withholding tax │ │
│ │ │
│扣缴义务人声明 │ 我声明:此报告表是根据中华人民共和国税收法律法规的有关规定填报的,我 │
│Declaration │确信它是真实的、可靠的、完整的。 │
│ │ 法定代表签名或盖章 │
│ │I declare that this return has been completed according to the tax laws │
│ │and regulations of the People s Republic of China.I believe that all state│
│ │ments contained in this return are true, correct and complete. │
│ │ Signature: │

  会计主管(签字) Accountant general(signature): 扣缴义务人(盖章)Withholding agent(seal):

以下由主管税务机关填写(For the use of the Chinese tax authorities only)

│收到日期: │主办人: │审核日期: │主管税务机关盖章: │
│Date of receipt │Officer in charge │Date of examination │Tax office(seal) │
├───────────┼─────────┴──────────┤主管税务官员签字: │
│审核记录 │ │Tax officer(signature)│
│Record of examination │ │ │

  国家税务总局监制 Made under supervision of the State Administration of Taxation













  1.This return is applicable to the withholding agent as specified by the Circular for Strengthening the Tax and Foreign Exchange Administrations on Shipping Income of Foreign Enterprises issued by the State Administration of Taxation and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

  2.In case tax pauers  taxble shipping income is settled in forign currency, the foreign currency should beconverted in RMB according to market foreign exchange rate, and a supporting document should be provided demonstrating the conversion.
  3.This Return should be filled out in Chinese or in both Chinese and foreign languages.

  4.Instructions for filling out the following iteme:

  a.Withholding agent s file number: the number as designated by the tax authorities in charge at the time oftax registration.

  b.Date of filling: the actual date of filling the return.

  c.Withholding agent s name: name of the withholding agent for legal purposes.

  d.Band: the bank in China with which an account is opened by a withholding agent.

  e.A/C number: number of current account in the bank of China by a withholding agent.

  f.Taxpayer s name: name of the taxpayer for legal purposes. Place of head office or effective management: the full address and post code in the country of taxpayer being a res dent for tax purposes.

  附件3: 外国公司境外收取船舶运输收入情况报告表

  填表日期: 年 月 日 金额单位:人民币元

│填表单位或个人名称: │电话: │
│地址: │邮编: │
│外国公司名称: │注册所在地: │
│总机构或实际管理机构所在地: │
│船舶国籍及悬挂国旗: │
│船舶名称: │ (请在适当方格内打√号) │
│ │在中国运输经营方式: □1.班轮运输 │
│ │ □2.不定期船舶运输│
│抵港日期: 年 月 日 │始发港: │
│ │中转港: │
│离港日期: 年 月 日 │目的港: │
│境外收取运费收入总额: │
│其他需说明的情况: │
│填表单位或个人:(盖章或签字) │经办人(签字): │


│收到日期: │主办人:│审核日期: │主管税务机关盖章: │
├──────┼────┴───────┤ │
│处理情况说明│ │主管税务官员签字: │










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