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[北京大学税法研究中心] 5 | India Review 印度评论








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公众号名称: 北京大学税法研究中心
标题: 5 | India Review 印度评论
发布时间: 2024-01-31 20:03
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India Review
Volume 22 Issue 5
印度评论 第22卷第5期
How a populist remains in politics: An Indian Muslim politician’s winning style
Contesting in the policy sphere: Stakeholders and policy formulation on the lower Subansiri dam in the Northeast
The Illiberal turn in Indian democracy: Shifting the trajectory of India’s foreign policy
(Un)wanted partners: Muslim politics and third front coalitions in India State, 1950–1959
How a populist remains in politics: An Indian Muslim politician’s winning style
Abstract: In a competitive political system where getting renominated is challenging and incumbency disadvantage is a reality, what factors compel an electorate to keep a certain leader in power for over four decades? This article examines the qualitative characteristics of Azam Khan’s politics in Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, and their interlinkages with his sustained electoral success. Through ethnographic methods, I uncover the various populist strategies he deploys in his connection with his electorate and investigate local responses to this politics. The strategies involve an anti-elite rhetoric, constant identification with the people, self-victimization, the projection of a strongman image, his use of transgressive language, the importance in the party, and the voters’ perception of lack of alternatives. A comparison is also undertaken with non-populist opposition politicians to understand the significance of these strategies. In times of majoritarianism when Muslim candidates are marginalized by mainstream political parties and struggle to win elections, understanding why people accept a Muslim leader as their symbol also has wider implications for the study of representation in which considering both the leader’s claim of being voters’ voice as well as voters’ acceptance of that claim is contextually important.

Contesting in the policy sphere: Stakeholders and policy formulation on the lower Subansiri dam in the Northeast
Abstract: We advance a framework for analysis of democratic contestation in the policy and media spheres, in the context of the interest group theory and the stages of public policy evolution, to assess whether the contestation process favors some stakeholders over others in India, with a model that predicts pro- or anti-dam policy discourses in the news. There is evidence from participation in environmental movements, especially in the case of anti-dam protest groups, in the policy sphere that play a role in the contestation of scientific knowledge. Our core concern is to understand whether representation of the voices of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and protest groups in the news media affects public policy on controversial mega-projects such as the building of a mega-dam. Our focus is on the timely and critically important case of the Lower Subansiri Hydro Electric Project (LSHEP), a mega-dam on the border of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, the highest earthquake zoned states through which runs the mighty Brahmaputra river. The mega-dam construction was suspended after widespread protests led by social and environmental activists in 2010–11. However, the construction resumed after the election of the BJP-led national government in 2014 and in the state of Assam in 2016. The revival precipitated a new phase of democratic contestation in the policy sphere in 2015–17 which is modeled here, based on content analysis of news reporting. We find that in the policy sphere, the voices of anti-dam activists did not succeed in fostering an anti-dam frame in the news media in the form of news stories opposing the dam.

摘要:我们在利益集团理论和公共政策阶段化演变的背景下,提出了一个关于政策和媒体领域民主争论的分析框架,并建立了一个用于预测新闻中支持或反对大坝政策话语的模型,旨在评估印度的政策争辩过程是否有利于某些利益攸关方。本研究的核心关注点在于,对于建造大型大坝等有争议的大型项目而言,非政府组织(NGO)和抗议团体的声音在新闻媒体中的代表性对相关公共政策的制定会产生何种影响。以下苏班西里水电项目(LSHEP)为例,该项目位于阿萨姆邦和印控阿鲁纳恰尔邦的边界上,是布拉马普特拉河流经海拔最高的地震带之一。2010年至2011年,由于社会和环境活动人士的广泛抗议,该大型水电站的建设被暂停,但在2014年印度人民党领导的国民政府选举和2016年阿萨姆邦选举后又恢复了建设,这使得政策领域的民主较量在2015 至2017年间进入了一个全新的阶段。基于对一时期新闻报道的内容分析发现,反大坝活动家在新闻媒体中的相关主张并未成功实现政策转化。
The Illiberal turn in Indian democracy: Shifting the trajectory of India’s foreign policy
Abstract: Long-standing democracies such as India were not exempt from the global trend of democratic retreat. India has come under increasing international attention due to certain domestic policies such as the revocation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, the National Register of Citizens and Citizenship (Amendment) Act passed under the Bharatiya Janata Party government. In addition to India’s democratic decline being reflected in global democratic rankings, this has induced strains on India’s foreign relations. In its pursuit of becoming a leading power, India’s perceived democratic backsliding is likely to influence the direction of its foreign policy. To discern the impact of its perceived illiberal turn on its foreign engagement, the role of democracy in India’s foreign policy needs to be explored. While attempts have been made to understand democratic backsliding through a theoretical lens, the impact of a nation’s democratic status on its foreign relations and policy remains a largely unexplored area.

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